The campaign for Camp Google felt like working on a bunch of long science projects — in a good way. There were days when the other writer, art directors, and I were in 72’s kitchen building out science experiments to make sure they worked and could be recreated on video.
The project was already underway at 72andSunny when I joined the creative team, helping to write scripts for videos and digital content. This was my first time writing for a decidedly younger audience, but the creative directors wanted everything to feel fun, fresh, and most of all smart, so there was ample opportunity to make adults laugh too.
Camp Google was an online camp for kids that lasted all summer, with each week bringing new activities, video, and quirkily presented scientific knowledge for all those naturally curious kids out there.
In addition to one big live-streamed event culminating each week of Camp Google, we made a series of fun educational videos featuring science experiments related to each major topic — Ocean Week, Space Week, Nature Week and Music Week.
My art director partner and I worked with the project’s creative directors on the scripts and site copy for Space Week and Music Week (side by side with another writer/designer team who handled Ocean Week and Nature Week).
In addition to working with actual Googlers on the science side, we also partnered with National Geographic, NASA, the National Parks Service and singer-slash-actress Zendaya (for Music Week). Our Space Week videos also proved to be a smart way to showcase the amazing powers of Google Sky.
Lots of fun. The site came out beautifully too.
Today is no longer live (Camp’s over)…but did you know there are 88 officially recognized constellations?
Never stop asking questions, y’all.